Artist in Residence at the Brewery Tap, Blandford. Hall & Woodhouse Brewery

To coincide with this year’s Dorset Art Weeks, Dorset Visual Arts and their headline sponsor Hall & Woodhouse have supported a residency and commission opportunity for Dorset Artists. Charlotte was one of two selected artists, commissioned to respond to the heritage, history and working environment of Hall & Woodhouse. Artists Charlotte Beare and Jack Dickson, were invited to produce a small series of works reflecting on the life of Hall & Woodhouse and its staff through engagement and observation, working both on-site and back in the studio.

Charlotte talking about her work at the Dorset Art Weeks launch party in Blandford. Click here to watch a video of the talk.

  • Colourful Coffee at The Ship Inn, Weymouth

    Oil on canvas 18 x 24”

    Hall & Woodhouse take a great deal of pride in their coffee brand, “Colourful Coffee”. The Ship is one of their oldest pubs, yet artisan pub coffee is a modern thing. Some days the Ship sells more coffees than pints! Can you spot the Weymouth bridge in my painting?

  • Lunch at the Duchess Of Cornwall Inn, Poundbury

    Acrylic on canvas

    16.5 x 23.5”

    I wanted to capture the bright, airy, almost continental vibe of this pub so chose to focus on the big arched windows and the light. This was painted from life during a day spent at the pub. Even though you can only see the heads & shoulders of the people, I hope the painting feels full of a Saturday lunchtime chatter and buzz.

  • Inside the Smugglers Inn, Osmington

    Acrylic on canvas

    16.5 x 23.5”

    I’ve always loved the cosy amber light inside an old English pub and the Smugglers Inn is a perfect example of this. This was painted from life during a day spent observing and painting at the bar. I did lots of people watching! For me, when you think of a traditional pub, this encapsulates what springs to mind.